Design of Facial Expressions Recognition for Academic Presence By Using Backpropagation Artificial Neural Networks Based on Principal Components Analysis
artificial neural networks, backpropagation, principal component analysisAbstract
There are 4,004 universities in Indonesia where each university needs data to find out student activities, one of which is through attendance. Some universities in Indonesia still use manual attendance systems and attendance systems through the website. This system has several obstacles that require solutions. Therefore, a more concise system is needed to assist students in filling in the attendance. This research aims to make a design to make academic presence for students by using neural network. There are many methods that can be used to create this system including using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based on Backlpropagation Neural Network (BNN) because it can help the system perform faster and more accurately without losing important information. After carrying out a series of steps of algorithm designed for student attendance, we get the recognition of facial image expressions by using ANN Backpropagation and recognition of facial image expression with PCA.References
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