Modelling the Recovery of Malaria Patients in West Lombok District Using Cox Regression


  • Siti Dwi Khairun Rahmatin Usman
  • Mustika Hadijati University of Mataram
  • Nurul Fitriyani University of Mataram



Cox Proportional Hazard Regression, Hazard Ratio, Malaria, Survival Analysis


Malaria is one of the health problems in West Lombok Regency. There are 413 positive malaria cases, so it is necessary to research the models and factors affecting malaria sufferers' recovery. The analysis used is survival analysis using the Cox Proportional Hazard Regression method. The data used in this study is in the form of secondary data obtained from medical record data from all patients with malaria disease in West Lombok Regency from 2019 to 2020, with dependent variables in the form of recovery time of malaria patients and nine independent variables that are suspected of affecting the recovery of malaria sufferers. This study aims to determine a recovery model for malaria sufferers based on Cox regression and determine the factors that influence the recovery of malaria sufferers in West Lombok Regency. Based on the survival analysis results with the Cox Proportional hazard Regression method, the best model was obtained with two significant variables affecting the recovery time of malaria patients: the parasite type variable and the incidence of pregnancy or not getting pregnant. The model can be interpreted based on hazard ratio values that the variable type of parasite category Plasmodium vivax has a probability of being able to recover within one month of treatment by 2,542 times faster than Plasmodium falciparum. In comparison, the type of parasite in the Plasmodium mix category has a probability of being able to recover within one month of treatment 1.108 times faster than Plasmodium vivax,  and for the pregnant or non-pregnant variables for the category of pregnant patients had a 2,307 times faster probability of recovery within one month of treatment compared to non-pregnant patients.


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How to Cite

Usman, S. D. K. R. ., Hadijati, M., & Fitriyani, N. . (2023). Modelling the Recovery of Malaria Patients in West Lombok District Using Cox Regression. EIGEN MATHEMATICS JOURNAL, 6(2), 65–74.




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